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CapitaLand Ascendas REIT completes acquisition of fifth data centre in the UK

CapitaLand Ascendas REIT completes acquisition of fifth data centre in the UK

Data CentresEuropeFacilities & ServersTop Stories

CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management has announced the completion of the acquisition of a high-specification Tier III colocation data centre facility from an unrelated global data centre operator. The data centre is situated in Watford in North West London, UK. The purchase consideration for the acquisition, after taking into account the agreed value of the property of £119.4 million (approximately US$199.9 million), is £125.1 million (approximately US$209.4 million).

“As the demand for cloud and digital services continues to rise, we are capitalising on favourable market dynamics to significantly scale up our presence in the data centre sector,” said William Tay, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of CapitaLand Ascendas REIT Management. “London ranks among the top three global data centre markets and is also Europe’s largest colocation data centre market. This acquisition complements our data centres around London, deepening and boosting our data centre investments in the UK by 54% to US$569.8 million, as well as increasing our exposure in London to 96% of our investments in the UK.

“Given its strategic location and Tier III specifications, along with its robust tenancy, the property will serve as a strong catalyst in delivering additional value to the REIT. We expect our enlarged data centre portfolio, valued at US$1.5 billion, to contribute a continuous income stream towards our overall DPU growth.”

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