Telehouse opens new data centre at TH3 Paris Magny Campus

Telehouse opens new data centre at TH3 Paris Magny Campus

After more than a year’s extensive work and a total investment of €250 million, Telehouse, a European specialist in high-connectivity hosting facilities, has announced the opening of its new data centre at the TH3 Paris Magny Campus.

This new data centre on the TH3 Paris Magny Campus will play a leading role in the coming years, providing active support to French and European digital sovereignty, alongside the Digital Transformation of business.

With its environmentally responsible design, high-level security and a 12,000 m2 IT surface, the data centre operates at a total electrical power of 18MW and has the highest possible standard of resilience, with 99.999% service availability.  Some 30 minutes from central Paris, on a former EADS military site, the data centre is strategically located to accommodate extended IT infrastructure for companies. It is also situated outside the concentration zone for data centres in North-Eastern Paris, a key factor for geographical redundancy, enhancing security for the IT infrastructures it hosts and thus ensuring continuity of service for companies. 

This new site also stands out for its low environmental impact, with its eco-responsible construction choosing the best available cooling technology such as free-chilling built into its air-condenser refrigeration units to minimise water consumption and reduce electricity consumption. The WUE of the new data centre is close to zero.

These innovations enable the data centre to achieve an average PUE of less than 1.3, placing it among the most efficient on the market. Regarding the site’s power supply, its 100% renewable electricity supply comes with a guarantee of origin certificate, giving a CUE (Carbon Usage Efficiency) of close to zero (using the market-based GHG Protocol).

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