Telefónica Tech expands VDC service with new node in Barcelona

Telefónica Tech expands VDC service with new node in Barcelona

Telefónica Tech is expanding its global Virtual Data Center (VDC) service by launching a new node in Catalonia. The company has deployed this new infrastructure in the Terrassa (Barcelona) data centre to offer companies and local administrations a cloud service, managed or self-managed, integrated with communications, security, hosting and housing solutions in the same data centre.

The Virtual Data Center service – based on technology from multiple leading manufacturers such as VMware or Zeto and its own innovations – allows companies to host applications in a secure environment and create hybrid environments from private clouds hosted in the customer’s facilities or from Nabiax data centres, from which Telefónica provides its services.

The deployment of this new node will facilitate the Digital Transformation of Catalan companies by offering them a flexible, elastic and customisable virtual platform to migrate their systems to the cloud.

With the VDC service deployed in Catalonia, Telefónica Tech brings the cloud to Catalan customers who need geographic proximity and minimum computation and processing latencies. In addition, the service allows companies to avoid making investments in equipment and pay only for usage, allocating resources according to business needs.

Telefónica Tech’s VDC service also has high-security standards and contributes to guaranteeing data sovereignty. It has a data centre designed to offer maximum levels of availability and various value-added services, such as GPUs, backup, Disaster Recovery, Kubernetes, Multi-Factor Authentication and encryption of virtual machines. In addition, the VDC service has all the operational procedures and controls aligned with ISO 27000, SOC 1/2 and the European Security Level Scheme (ENS) certifications.

Through this deployment, the company brings Catalonia a sovereign cloud proposal with a service owned and operated by itself, which complies with national and European regulations and is also the only service that currently has the VMware Sovereign Cloud seal of approval in Spain.

María Jesús Almazor, COO at Telefónica Tech for Spain and America, said: “The deployment of this new node in Barcelona expands the capabilities we have been offering in the territory with a VDC-Edge node. Telefónica Tech’s VDC service provides companies with the reliable, secure and scalable infrastructure needed to migrate to the cloud. It offers them significant cost savings and the possibility of accessing it from any location”.

Telefónica Tech currently has a total of 14 VDC nodes deployed in data centres around the world in Spain (two nodes in Madrid and one in Terrassa), Brazil (Sao Paulo and Curitiba), USA (Florida and Virginia), Colombia (Bogota), Peru (two nodes in Lima), Chile (three nodes in Santiago de Chile) and Argentina (Buenos Aires).

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