Accelsius unveils NeuCool with thermal performance for AI data centres

Accelsius unveils NeuCool with thermal performance for AI data centres

Accelsius, whose patented two-phase direct-to-chip liquid cooling systems enable unprecedented High-Performance Computing and compute density for data centre and Edge computer operators, has announced NeuCool – its in-rack solution that delivers unmatched thermal performance.

With a capacity that has been tested beyond 1,500W per server chip (CPU, GPU, hot components), NeuCool is ideally suited for today’s powerful processors that run AI, Machine Learning, High-Performance Computing and other intensive workloads.

“Our team has worked tirelessly to prepare for this day,” said Josh Claman, CEO, Accelsius. “Over the past several months, we’ve been finalising development and testing, building out our partner network, taking orders and scheduling deployments of our NeuCool systems as part of our Ascent Journey Program. Now we’re ready to expand engagements with partners and customers in person to show them this new era of cooling technology.”

The AI boom is fuelling an exponential increase in data centres worldwide, but concerns are growing about the accompanying need for electricity to power these sites and the environmental impact they bring.

About a third of the world’s 8,000 data centres are in the US, but the build-out is a worldwide phenomenon. Globally, the International Energy Agency estimates that electricity consumption from data centres, AI and cryptocurrency could double by 2026.

The NeuCool two-phase direct-to-chip in-rack solution offers a fit-for-purpose solution for these challenges with an estimated 50% savings in energy costs, an 80% reduction in CO2 emissions and zero water used.

A water-free, closed-loop system readily adaptable to existing facilities

Highly-engineered vaporators (also known as cold plates) are mounted directly to targeted hot-spot chips. Rather than water, an eco-friendly, safe dielectric refrigerant flows through the vaporators, where it nucleates into a vapor. That vapor then travels through an industrial manifold to an intelligent Platform Control Unit (iPCU), condensing back into a liquid in a closed-loop system and returning to the vaporator for additional cooling.

The NeuCool architecture is driven by the iPCU (a highly-engineered CDU) with enterprise-grade redundancies, industrial components and extensive safety testing to maximise system uptime. NeuCool’s modular design enables seamless integration into existing data centre facilities and at the Edge via water-cooled doors, dry coolers or other heat rejection methods.

Accelsius’ NeuCool solution is supported by comprehensive professional services spanning system architecture, integration, deployment and maintenance. This white glove treatment is delivered through an expanding network of approved service providers with liquid cooling expertise. The company also employs a US-based supply chain and manufacturing process to reduce lead times and ensure overall system quality.

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